Tips for Easy, Perfect and Healthy Barbecue and Grilling

For barbecue lovers, any event can be a good reason to meet in front of the grill, regardless of the time of year. Of course, warm summer nights have a special charm, not to mention if the meeting is for lunch: a perfect occasion to enjoy a day outdoors.

No matter what time or time of year you choose, it is always better if you take some care to make your grilled meals tasty and healthy. Did you know, that roasting at high temperatures can transform the proteins in red meat, for example, beef, mutton, poultry, and fish into chemicals called heterocyclic amines, which have been linked to breast cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer? Did you know that barbecue smoke contains other carcinogens called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are formed when meat releases fat and juices on the grill? In addition, if you consume excess fat, obesity is promoted, a condition that affects many people and can cause various diseases that can even be life-threatening.

But do not get depressed or suspend your long-awaited grilling meeting! There is always a variety of very tasty options that can be made to make the barbecue and or the grill healthier and so that you enjoy the meeting with your family and friends. Take note of these seven tips to make your barbecue and grill safer and not to harm your health:

Choose Lean Meats

Choose lean meats that release less juice and fat and produce less smoke. Other options are to remove the skin and excess fat and choose smaller cuts, such as skewers, which need less time to cook.

Don’t Buy Processed Meat

Always go for natural and fresh meats that contain less harmful substances and Avoid processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, salami, and sausages. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, these can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Even processed meats are not better for grilling and they do not taste better than natural meats.

Properly Defrost Meats

It is seen that sometimes we go on grilling frosted meats that are actually harmful to our bodies. So, you have to make sure that you always defrost meats before cooking and reduce grilling time. If you can, choose fresh meats from the farmers market and never refrigerate. For example, you can partially cook them in the microwave before placing them on the grill, to reduce cooking time and therefore excess smoke.

Marinade Mildly

Select a mild marinade, as thicker marinades tend to scorch (burn) meat, increasing exposure to carcinogens that is responsible for cancer. Choose marinades based on vinegar or lemon, which will create a protective layer on the meat. A delicious recipe is achieved by mixing lemon juice, vinegar, and aromatic herbs including sage, rosemary, mint, basil, and marinating the meat in it for at least half an hour.

Avoid Burned Meat

Do not burn the meat and avoid the blackest and burned (charred) parts. Using wood briquettes or hardwood such as walnut instead of pine helps reduce the temperature of the grill. It is also important that you thoroughly clean the grill after each use, to reduce exposure to heterocyclic amines.

Maintain Proper Grilling Hight

Other recommendations to avoid burning meat is to turn it frequently and place it at least six inches (15 centimeters) away from a heat source. It also prevents juices from spilling and producing smoke.

Add Vegetables and Fruits with Grilled Meal

Add vegetables to the grill and even fruits! The chemicals that are formed when cooking meat on the grill that is considered dangerous, do not appear when cooking fruits or vegetables since their proteins are different and do not have the same effect as those of meat. Some vegetables such as peppers, onions, zucchini, mushrooms (mushrooms, clamps), and pineapple (pineapple) lend themselves wonderfully to cooking on the grill (barbecue). Incorporate them into the menu of your next barbecue.

In every food processing, we need to maintain some proper procedures which make our foods healthier. In terms of grilling and barbecuing, you also need to maintain some procedures strictly because it produces some bad substances. Yet you don’t have to be worried if you can maintain those above-listed processing methods and tips.  Now you know, your barbecue can continue to be delicious, more varied, and also healthier. To eat!