How to Ensure Food Safety in Your Restaurant for Higher Customer Satisfaction

Poor food handling by restaurants is ready for the transmission of many diseases. Therefore, it is essential that the owner provide several items to maintain the restaurant’s food security.

It is necessary to comply with some topics and use relevant hygiene and cleaning products to be successful in this process.

This is also a factor to profit more and maintain customer loyalty, as no one would return to an establishment that caused him some discomfort.

Food Safety In 5 Tips

With that in mind, we have compiled 5 tips for your restaurant to maintain food security. Providing better conditions for its customers.

1. Ban All Accessories in Kitchen

Despite being a basic rule, make sure your team is never wearing accessories. For example, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings. Because they can fall and mix with the food.

Makeup is also not recommended. Like any accessory, small particles can fall into the food. And even if we can’t see it, they would contaminate the food.

The only accessories that should be used are burrows, gloves, and aprons. For people who prepare food, this is crucial.

2. Organize Your Team

Separate your team in an organized way to maintain the hygiene of the environment. Do not let the same people who deal with food also receive money from customers. The money is very dirty and can contain up to 93 types of microorganisms that can transmit diseases.

Separate people into groups, who will take care of food, those who will serve customers, and those who will receive payment from customers.

Among the people who will deal with the food, also separate those who will be responsible for the “cold” and “hot” foods. Both cannot be in the same place.

3. Manage Tasks

It is important to write down everything that needs to be done. It is useless to know the tips to maintain the food security of the establishment and not to do it.

To keep everything in order on a daily basis, write it down. Make a list and mark what has already been done, it should be done every day. Doing this daily there is no way to forget.

This also helps to keep the place always clean and is a precaution in case the magistrate arrives with a food inspection team to make an inspection. Knowing that the agency has no right date for visits.

4. Proper Cleaning of Plates and Cutlery

Even though food security is very focused on food, it is important to pay attention to cutlery and plates. Because these utensils have direct contact with customers.

Even if the food is in perfect condition for consumption and the objects mentioned are not completely clean, diseases can be transmitted

To avoid customer complaints and losses, pay attention to this aspect. Clean dishes and cutlery properly, using hot water and the appropriate chemicals.

5. Stock Is Also Important

Care in the preparation of food is of utmost importance, however, its storage is also important.

It is important to have a suitable place to store your ingredients, which must be kept in their original packaging. Because they influence the validity of the product.

You should also take care of the humidity of the place and make sure they are not stuffy, as it can cause bacteria to manifest and thereby spoil food.

6. Use Safe Materials

The most important among all the other safety precautions is to use safe materials for the preparation of foods. In Bangladesh, a lot of restaurants are not aware of what raw materials are being used. And some also intentionally use something not healthy to reduce the cost of the food. This practice has to be stopped because you are putting your customer’s health at risk.

Food safety is one of the most vital practices for a restaurant so that they can ensure their customers with safe and healthy food. Your restaurant’s success also depends on the quality of the food you are serving your customers. If you are not maintaining these food safety regulations, today or tomorrow you are risking the reputation of your business.