Back in the summer of 2017, two friends challenged by their own shrewd ideologies for years in terms of their core concepts in this vibrant F&B scene teamed up to find an alternative to good old burgers. Inspired by the guy who loves to breathe burgers, the girl runs a chord in the right tone by asking a simple question “Why can’t we stuff steamed buns with goodness?”
They worked day and night searching for the perfect combination. Sweet & savory, how far outside the box could they go? After several trials and errors, BAO opened its doors in July 2017.
It was only a matter of time before someone combined the Asian Steamed Bao Bun with a good old burger. You think of the hamburger as the iconic American food. BAO is the quintessential Chinese Food. Every aspect of the making of Bao is a very artisanal process that is showcased on our quality Baos. Our Baoists train for months to learn the proper techniques which involve hand weighing each piece of dough and ensuring consistency. Our aim is to garner accolades from foodies throughout Bangladesh by changing the culture of serving just gourmet burgers amidst the fast-food category.
Address & Contact
House 1/A 1st floor, Unit-2, Road 23, Dhaka 1212
Opening Hours
12pm to 11pm
12pm to 11pm
12pm to 11pm
12pm to 11pm
2pm to 11pm
12pm to 11pm
12pm to 11pm