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We sincerely believe in the long-term impact of complete satisfaction. The reality of the product or service drives the perception. The best communications strategy cannot build a brand if the product line is inferior or service is poor. Excellent product quality combined with professional service eventually builds its own momentum, through referrals. The brand promise must be distinctive and unique, or the brand identity will be vague and the brand will become commoditized. Bottom-line, a brand should meet the needs of potential buyers and be respected by influencers.

Premium Sweets is not just a mere coincidence. Since 1999, under Canadian management, it has been a strict tradition of creating outstanding desserts, chic presentation, discriminating packaging, submitting service by pleasant professional staff in an ambiance that complement the lifestyle of real influencers. Eventually, slow-cooked signature savory was introduced in a clay pot, which combines extraordinary richness, premium quality, and iconic style. Today, upscale patrons in 14 countries perceive Premium Sweets desserts, savory and snacks at a functional and emotional level. The functional aspect corresponds with various promises, such as offering value, having high quality, or being relevant to like-minded customers.

Headquartered in Mississauga Ontario, the company manages multiple production units, retail outlets, inflight catering of dairy-based sweets and slow-cooked ready to eat savory meals in Canada and Bangladesh and exports to the USA, Europe, Australia and other parts of Asia.

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Momataz Plaza Ground Floor, Rd No 4, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh

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5 January 2025
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